Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tessa's blessing

Today was a very special day for Tessa. David was able to give her a name and a blessing. Grandpa Anderson, Bishop Mark Settle and Greg Bishop were able to stand in the circle with them. Tessa looked so beautiful in her first white dress. It was hand-made by a sister in our ward (Christine Schardt). It was beautiful! Thank you so much sister Schardt! Here are some pictures form the day. You might notice in one of them that her fingernails are painted. Aunt Heather painted them pink to match her bow.

Also, Tessa turned two months old yesterday. Her doctors appointment went well. Here are her stats from her check-up: she now weighs 10lbs 10oz (35%) she is 22inches long (30%) and her head is 14 1/2 inches (14%). She also got her first shot, she cried loud for a minute, but the she was ok. We love our little girl so much! It has been a fun two months.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures! It was a wonderful time. We are so blessed as a family! G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...

The close up pics of Nate and Anderson are awesome. Do you have a way to print them out? I'd love one of each of them!