Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nathan Quotes and AJ's Disaster

We have been collecting nathan quotes for a few days, and we have finally filled up our little dry-erase board, so it's time to share them with our family:

"I've got my bucket; you've got your bucket. Please don't dip in my bucket, please respect me by not tickling me.... NA NA NA NA come and get me!" (He is reading a book in pre-school about buckets, it's a self-esteem/being nice kind of thing)

 "Sometimes a little boy gets hungry and forgets to ask." - After getting in trouble for sneaking some candy.

"TELEVISION!" - When asked about how he knew about magic beans and jack and the bean stalk.

"Did you forget that I HATE handstands?"

"LOOK. Right before your eyes, science is happening now!"

"I just need to get some rest" -After being woken up for his first day of school at 6:30 AM.

"Very impressive." - After seeing our new deck that grandpa and mommy built.

AJ, on the other hand, has chosen to be a terror for the last few days. Here is a list of what he has been up to for the last 24 hours.

-At sams, he refused to keep his shoes on, and did his best to run around barefoot, his feet were black and gross.

- He got into Daddy's deodorant and rubbed it all over the floor, himself and other various objects (like the baby wipe container... SURPRISE).

- He learned how to eject the CD drive on Daddy's computer and very nearly broke it by pushing DVDs way too hard.

- (A mild one) He waited until I swept the whole floor to spill the fried rice that he was eating.

- He hit nathan a few times and got sent to his room

- Refused to take a nap today (He was deliriously tired this evening)

- Chewed on two xbox controller joysticks.

- Spilled laundry detergent on the rug (of course it couldn't have been on the hardwood).

- When Nate was trying to help by moving AJ off of the toilet, Nate fell on the bathtub and may have broken his nose (it bled a lot and he said that it hurt, but there were no other problems, and he says that it doesn't hurt him any more. Another trip to the hospital narrowly averted)

- While I was vacuuming the carpet, he managed to grab and spill about a pint of bright red snow cone syrup on our new-ish tiled floor. (Almost all of the red came out, thank goodness that we sealed the grout.)

All in the last 24 hours!! On an up note, though, he has managed not to hurt himself for the last few days, so we will take what we can get.

p.s., Tessa is doing great despite all the commotion.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I feel bad to have missed all that excitement.