Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Family fun time! (part one)

 We had so much fun when all my family was here! We are so glad they could all come and visit. We did lots of stuff, so much it won't all fit in one post!
Grandpa Anderson & Tessa

 Our 4th of July fireworks were postponed because of rain. They had them on August 3rd so aunt Bonnie, aunt Heather, Jake, Kyler and Zoey got to come with us. We walked down to the Depot and sat right on the street to watch. Nathan sweats like his dad, and by the time we go to the fireworks he was almost soaked.

 Tessa and mommy got presents from my friend Sherri (Overton). There was a mix-up with the presents though and Tessa got mommy's fingernail polish. (Tessa's blankets came in a separate box the next day). But we decided to paint her fingernails anyway.

 We went swimming a lot, both at our pool and at aunt Bonnie's house. Nathan is getting so brave in the pool. He will now plug his nose and put his face in the pool.

 Aunt Heather took Kyler, Zoey and Nathan hiking up Kennesaw Mountain. They had a lot of fun sweating up the mountain.