Thursday, September 27, 2012

D.C./Maryland trip...part 1

 We stayed in Fredrick, MD., it is close to Ft. Detrick where David was taking a class. Fredrick is know as the "city of spires" so we decided to go downtown and check it out. We didn't see very many spires, but we did find this nice area to walk by the creek. It was very pretty.

Nathan loved crossing the bridges

Playing in the grass

While we were there we celebrated Anderson's first birthday!

Executive building
That Friday we drove into D.C. after David got out of class. It was so neat to see all of the history there.
I thought it would be bigger.

 Nathan loved the statues.
 Capitol building (from Washington monument)
Back of the White house

 As a side note, Nathan is really into "not being a litter bug" and picking up any litter he finds on the ground. We left the WWII memorial with a stroller full of trash, trying to find a garbage can. You could say we left it better than we found it.



The Chineese that LOVED Anderson.

It started at the Lincoln Memorial. AJ was just sitting in the stroller when all of the sudden, this lady come running up to him and starts taking his picture. Then more people, then pictures of them with AJ, all saying "Ni hao". Since Nathan likes the show Ni hao Kai Lan, we know that it means hello in Chineese. Nate Says "Ni hao" back to them and they love it.
This was the first of many incidences like this throughout our trip.

 Nathan with "honest Abe".
I asked a girl to take our picture, she didn't get the Lincoln statue at all.

Washington Monument

silly boy

Vietnam Memorial

While we waited for our car from the parking garage, we got to see the VP's motorcade go through town. Apparently this happens every night, they shut down the streets for his escort home.
After we toured the National Mall, we decided to make a stop by the D.C. temple on our way back to Fredrick. It is beautiful...and gigantic!


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures of the memorials! And what cute boys! G & G in Idaho