Friday, September 14, 2012

To Anderson


 Happy birthday little man! This last year has gone by so fast. One day you were my brand new red haired baby, and then next, you were my blue-eyed blonde little guy running around chasing after your big brother. You have a contagious smile that you flash all the time. You are a rough and tumble little boy, you fall down but you get yourself back up and keep right on going. I hope that that can be a trait that you keep with you throughout your life. Your first word was ma-ma, but you seem to be a daddy's boy. You love your daddy so much, I hope that you can always look up to him and come to him when you need help. Your brother loves you so much, even though he sometimes asks me to distract you so you wont play with his toys. He loves you and wants to protect you. Anderson you have brought so much joy and laughter into our home this last year, and we hope that you continue to do that throughout your life. I love being your ma-ma. I feel so blessed that you chose our family. I am so grateful that we have you for eternity. Happy birthday AJ, mommy loves you!