Monday, October 1, 2012

Our first trip to Urgent care

We almost made it to 4.
 Last night we went over to our friends the Settles for dinner. Nathan loves to play with their 8 year old son Jackson. They are a lot alike even though Nathan is half his age. Turns out they are even more alike now (Jackson is pretty accident prone, he has even had stitches in almost the same place). Nate and Jackson were playing and they ran into each other and Nathan fell to the ground, he hit his head on the leg of the table on his way down. He started crying and David went in to get him and he was already covered in blood. We got it all cleaned up (while Nathan was freaking out) and it was pretty deep so we decided to take him to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta to see if he needed stitches.

 It doesn't look so bad here, but this was taken just after they cleaned it up again. The look on Nathans face shows how he handled the whole thing.
 They put some jelly on it to numb it (we had to wait for 30 minutes for it to work). You can kind of see the blood running out under the bandage. I don't know how much the numbing jelly actually worked though.
 Nathan in his burrito wrap. He kept saying he didn't want to be a burrito. He was crying and yelling the whole time. At one point he yelled "I'm screaming", it was pretty sad.
 Even wrapped up like a burrito, they still had to hold his head pretty hard. He got two stitches in his left eyebrow. The doctor also said he might have had a mild concussion too. The poor little guy was in so much pain, but afterward he got a green popsicle and that made him feel a little better.
He wouldn't let me get a good picture of them today, but it looks pretty good. It shouldn't leave to big of a scar, and hopefully it should be hid by his eyebrow.
The way he was going today, I don't think this will be our last visit, I think he is going to be like his mom...


Tara Settle said...

That is the saddest thing, to see him in that burrito. I am glad that I did not have to go with Jackson when he got his stitches. I think I would have passed out. But I was with him after he broke his arm and if it had not been so bad, and the school nurse was not in such a hurry for me to get him to the hospital; I might have passed out or thrown up.

Maybe this will be a one time thing and we wont continue to have to go to the ER every few months. Carter has only gone once. And it was because of something Hallie did to him. So keep your fingers crossed that it was a one time event and not the first of many!

Unknown said...

I always wondered how they would give little kids stitches, cause you know they wouldn't hold still on their own! That's crazy!

So far the only emergency trips in our house have been mine. And luckily they didn't have to burrito wrap me for my stitches. Good thing you were around to watch the kids and see the awesome blood spatter on the walls. :)

Anonymous said...

Poor little kid! It reminds me of times when I had to take someone for stitches - 3 times in one week!Same place on the chin! Third time was too badly damaged to put the stitches back in. And all from playing on the same toy! Some people are just slow learners! Do you remember that?

Just hold him and love him and give him a kiss for us.

Love you all, G & G in Idaho