Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baseball tough!

Showing me "baseball tough".
Nathan had his very first baseball game on Saturday (Sept. 8, 2012). It is coach pitch t-ball, meaning the coach pitches you three balls if you don't hit them, then you hit off the tee.
 Nathans team. Nate is the second youngest on the team, all the other boys are already 4 (some are almost 5).
A little wet because they got caught in a rain storm, they didn't care at all.
Just before the game
So excited!
Nathan and Aaron Latimer
This picture makes it look like Nate was paying attention, it couldn't be further from the truth! Nathan was playing in the dirt and running around in the outfield grass, most of the time without his glove even on.
Getting ready for his first at bat!
And a hit!
On base after his first game hit- off the pitch!
Way to go Nathan!
#16 (like Brian McCann)
What you can't really see in these pictures is how gigantic his uniform is. I had to pin the shirt in on both sides and his pants are rolled three times. It is a small, at least he can wear the pants again next year!


Anonymous said...

So cute....maybe he should bring his glove in Nov so we can play in the yard.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute. Way to get a hit right off also.
Aunt Heather

Fields Family said...

I love watching t-ball! The kids are so excited (even if they don't pay attention well) and play for fun!
I'm glad he's having a ball!