Sunday, June 10, 2012

Horses and hiking

 On Sunday (June 3) we got to go see uncle Scott's horses and go for a ride. Before the ride, we fed the horses some grass. Turns out, Nathan and I are sissy's. We both held the grass up for the horse to eat, and dropped it just short of the horse eating it.
 AJ was amazed at the size of the horses.
Nate "feeding" the horse
Aunt Llew & Anderson
Zoey-the rodeo princess
Nathan's first ride

Nate and uncle Scott
Mommy & AJ
Mommy, AJ & Nate riding Marvin
Aunt Llew
Aunt Bonnie
 After our horse riding adventure, we had lunch at NYC Sub Shop (YUMMY) and then drove up to Grand Teton National Park and went hiking at Jenny Lake.
 Anderson riding in style.
 You can't really see it very well, but Nathan in riding in style too. After falling three (or more) times he only wanted to be carried. Aunt Bonnie asked if he wanted a piggy back ride, he said "no, I want a backpack ride". I ended up carrying him for most of the 2+ mile hike.

Up by Hidden Falls with my nephews.
Nathans favorite part of the day, "the waterfall".
We had a great time in off to Island Park.