Friday, June 22, 2012

haircuts & cute brother pictures

 I know that to anyone who reads this, that the boys getting haircuts is pretty boring, BUT today, Nathan had the best haircut of his life. He sat for the whole thing WITHOUT crying! In our house, that is a huge feat. Nathan always screams like he is being murdered when we cut his hair, but this time, he was our brave shiny knight!

AJ got a haircut too, but for him (so far) they aren't that big of a deal

We took some cute brother pictures the other day. I put the green background behind them thinking that it would look cute, but didn't think about it being a "green screen". So maybe in the future, we will have some funny pictures made.

This was AJ sleeping the other day, and I thought it was so cute I took a picture. I really like how the picture turned out.
David cut himself with a knife trying to cut some plastic tubing for the turtle tank. (side note- we don't have a turtle in the tank and can't get one for a couple more days, but the tank is ready for him this time).
It looks a little worse than it is because there is ointment on it, but he should have had stitches.


Anonymous said...

Those are precious, precious pictures! You have captured LOVE! Please tell Nate how proud we are of him for being a shiny knight while getting his hair cut! G & G in Idaho