Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Where did the time go?

AJ 6 months
He sits up by himself, and is working on crawling.

Courtesy of Nathan

I think they look alike, however, Nathan was never this blonde!

Anderson is 6 months old today! I can't believe my baby is so big already. He has his six month doctor appointment on Friday, so I will post his stats then, but for now, here are some pictures of my boy(s)...

Everything went great at the doctor today. AJ got his first shots. He didn't like it at all, but after it was over and mommy picked him up, he was fine. Here are his stats: Height 26 1/4 inches (33%), Weight 18.11lbs (73%) and head circumference 17 inches (45%). While we were there Nathan got on the scale, that little boy weighs 27lbs. Nate has some growing to do, so AJ doesn't catch up!


Anonymous said...

What beautiful boys! Nate is becoming quite the photographer!
Love you all, G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...

He looks EXACTLY LIKE Nathan!!! How sweet!! Love, Aunt Kristen