Saturday, March 24, 2012

Nathans new friends

 We would like to introduce you to Nathans new friends, Worm Friend 1 and Worm Friend Two. So your not confused, WF1 is in Nate's right hand and WF2 is in his left, you can tell them apart by their length.
 Yesterday we were outside playing and Nathan found a worm and started playing with it. It surprised me for two reasons- 1. a little over a year ago we found a caterpillar and let Nate hold it, it pooped on him and he hasn't wanted to hold any bugs since (for fear of them pooping on him too). 2. Nathan doesn't like to get dirty, but he did. He played in the dirt with his new "very slimy" friend. Nathan was the one who named him, and he kept telling me what a good name it was. Then we found Worm Friend 2 and Nathan was very excited. He kept putting them in the dirt and on the rocks and telling me it was "their new habitat" (yep, my 3 year old knows what a habitat is).

Nathan decided that since mom wouldn't let him bring his new friends in the house, that this plant would be their new habitat, "they will be so happy in here".

Please disregard the fact that Nathan is wearing only a diaper in these pictures. He was fully dressed and ready for nap time before he ran outside and got a-hold of the hose, spraying the car and getting himself soaking wet, and taking off his clothes all while I was weeding the yard.


Anonymous said...

You are not a very fun Mommy to not let him take them inside. He could put them with his other friends who sit on his bed! The flowers are beautiful. Our tulips and daffodils are coming up! Hurray! Love to you all! G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Nahan got dirty AND looked happy! Gosh, that boy is stinkin cute!

Hugs and kisses from Iowa.