Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Visit with daddy

 This weekend David had off, so we drove down to Florida to visit him. The Braves were playing the Yankees on Saturday, so we decided to drive down (3 hours) and catch the game. It was terrible!  The game was sold out, luckily we had bought our lawn seats earlier in the week. They were selling standing room only tickets, it was so crowded, and the worst part was that there were more Yankee fans there than Braves fans (and Yankee fans are way worse than Philly fans). It was 200 degrees outside (the car said it was only 79* but it was way hotter than that). It took an hour to play the first two innings, because Jurrjens was pitching terrible, and the team couldn't get the outs. AJ fell asleep and was sweating like crazy, as were the rest of us. We decided that after the second inning we would leave. We left and went and got some lunch and cooled off in the air conditioning of the car. After lunch we headed back to the game so that Nathan could run the bases. We got there just after the game ended, and the Braves lost 8-3, but we were just in time for running the bases.

 Nathan did much better this year. He ran all the bases without stopping to play, and his shorts didn't fall off at home plate this time. He did however stop to stand on home plate, and held up traffic. He was very proud of himself.
 AJ and daddy watching Nate run.

Spring training family picture
 With baseball Mickey

AJ wearing Nathans hat

 Some boys at the game taught Nathan how to catch. You hold out your hands, catch the ball and pull it into your body.
Nathan showing his catch-y hands

With his new baseball hat

 After the baseball game we went to downtown Disney to spend the rest of the evening. Nathan wanted to take some pictures, he did a pretty good job with most of them. The Buzz and Woody, and Woody are made all out of Legos. It was pretty neat.

Nathan and daddy playing Legos. The best part for Nathan was building and racing a Lego car on the race track.

Riding the train

AJ hanging out

Nate took this picture for us.
 Nathan really liked the "geysers", so we took a picture in front of them, but Nathan was very concerned that we wouldn't be able to see the geysers.

On Sunday we drove down to St. Augustine, (founded in 1565 by the Spanish it is the oldest city in the U.S.) There was an old fort/castle that we got to go in and check out. Nathan was excited to "storm the Castle"

Nathan took this picture of David and I.
Nate took this one too. Pretty good, huh?!
Nate really liked all the cannons
Nathan "storming the castle" You can't really see it, but he is holding his plastic sword, and "threatening" the people on top of the castle.

Nate wanted to take a picture with one of the "pirates".

 We drove back to Camp Blanding Sunday afternoon and played at the park, in the water (went out to sea), and played some baseball. It was a really fun visit with Daddy, to bad it was so short on time. Luckily daddy will be home in two weeks.