Friday, March 30, 2012

pulling 6 months

 Yesterday was the day! Anderson looked at the TV stand, and got it in his mind that he could pull up closer to the TV, so he did. He did it once and I tried to get pictures, but I was to slow he only stood for a few seconds. Then he did it again, and David and I both saw it. Later while I was making diner he crawled over to the gate and pulled up and just stood there talking for a couple of minutes. He is way to young to be doing things like that already, right? But I guess we shouldn't be surprised, he has had crawling mastered for about three weeks now so it is time for a new trick.
Our little stander

With brother


Anonymous said...

So cute! He looks like you, Audrey! He is going to move fast! You'll have a hard time keeping up with him! Love to all! G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...

Heis going to be so fun nexttime I see him.....maybe h will be running by then.

Fields Family said...

Fast as fast can be! I love his face, Oh, look what I did!

Anonymous said...

He wants to be like his big brother and go everywhere..
Looking forward to June.
H & B