Monday, July 6, 2009

{N.Joy} Photography

While we were in Idaho, Nathan and I went to Utah for a few days. It was a lot of fun, we got to stay with my sister Bonnie who is in Utah for an internship this summer. While there we went and saw my friend Natalie and her family. Natalie is a super talented photographer, and she took some pictures of Nate for me. Here are some of them. If you need someone to take pictures for you, N. Joy Photography is the only way to go!

Natalie, you are awesome! I love the pictures of Nathan! They are all adorable!


Dan and Sherri Overton said...

I am so jealous! Great pics!

Linds said...

So cute, how great to have a friend with such awesome talent. And I love his legs...I just want to squish them!

Mark and Amber said...

He's SO adorable! I have to catch you on the phone sometime, I miss talking to you!

You've been tagged from our blog, BTW...! =)

Tom and Vera said...

These pictures are ADORABLE!