Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I love the pool!

Nathan loves going to the pool. I guess he finds it very relaxing because he falls asleep in his floatie every time. This time we put his friend Jenna Jenkins in the floatie with him, and she fell asleep too. Before we got in the pool I gave Nathan a mohawk with the sunscreen, his hair is just the right length for it. It makes him look really tough, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

You are right, his hair is perfect for a mohawk. His friend is cute. Are they dating?


Linds said...

the face down picture is hilarious, I guess it was just too much fun!

Dan and Sherri Overton said...

Unfortunately, I think any "toughness" gained by the mohawk is cancelled out by riding on a floatie in the pool! I am impressed that he sleeps in it, maybe I will put Keane in a floatie in the bath tub when he won't take a nap and see how it works!

Mark and Amber said...

He must love the water - really good relaxation, obviously! Just the CUTEST pictures!