Saturday, April 4, 2015

A great day of soccer

 Last week when I was in Savannah, David called me while I was running (yes, I answered- silly, I know). He told me how frustrated at AJ he was and how miserable taking him to soccer was. This week I took AJ. All the parents that were there told me what a bad week Anderson had last week when I was gone. At one point he ran off the field to find his momma they said. They all commented on how completely different he was this week and that I needed to be the one to bring him to soccer- not David.  He had a great time running up and down the field chasing all the other players. He only came over to me twice for hugs because both times he fell down.

 His little team Portugal huddles were the cutest!

 High fives!
 Team Italy!
 Nathan had his best soccer game yet today! He was awesome! He scored several goals and also had a few good assists. He is learning a lot in practice and trying to implement what he learns into the games, like passing to his teammates.

 He shoots...
 He scores! 
( I like that Nathan and his coach have the same reaction in this picture)

 Hugs and high fives for everyone.
At one point during the game, Nathan told one of his teammates and his coach that "my mom is really nice". I don't know why he said it, but it was sweet to hear.
 During Nathans game, Tessa and AJ were playing on one of the other fields. Tessa is quite good for her little size. She was dribbling the ball and chasing after it the whole length of the field. Maybe we will have another little soccer player in our family.