Sunday, November 11, 2012

Oh Nathan, we love you so much!

North Cobb H.S. Little Warriors   October 2012
We got Nathans very first school picture back the other day. I love it! It is so cute.

Today was Nathans first Primary program. Even though I had to sit on the stand with him, he did a pretty good job. They sang lots of songs, part way through  the program Nathan took it upon himself to start announcing each of the songs. It was very cute, the music would start, and Nathan would loudly announce what song it was.  They got to sing two of Nate's favorite songs which are: When I am Baptized and Scripture Power. Nathans part in the program was supposed to be the very last part, the caboose, but Nate line jumped a little because he was so excited. His part was "Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ". He said it very loud and clear.
We had a lot of people come up to us after the program was over and tell us how cute they thought Nathan was.


Anonymous said...

Surprise, surprise. Nathan started announcing! I wish you could have recorded it.

Aunt Llew