Thursday, November 1, 2012


 The dynamic duo were out last night saving the neighborhood from evil doers! Batman (Nathan always says "the black Batman") and Robin went trick or treating to a few houses last night. Not many people in our subdivision participate in Halloween. However our next door neighbor texted me to make sure they didn't miss us. We went over to their house and they made cute little baskets for Nathan and AJ.
 After a couple of houses we went back home, to pass out candy to any trick or treaters that came. We had a record number this year-9. (Our neighbor had 11).
 Nathan's class got to go trick or treating to some of the classes at the high school, he came home with a full bucket of candy plus some!
 The candy Nate got from school.

 Saturday we had our ward trunk or treat. Anderson fell asleep on the way there, and when we woke him up he just stood in the same place for at least ten minutes, very confused.
 The only picture I could get of Nathan and AJ together. Nathan spent the whole night playing and running around with all his friends.

 We carved our pumpkins, and Nathan gave us all jobs to do. Daddy was the cutter, mommy was the scooper and Nathan was the helper (he should have been the supervisor since he didn't do anything).

One happy pumpkin and one spooky pumpkin
Nathan showing off the jacket Aunt Llew sent him. He loves that it glows in the dark!
 Costume check! Good, they both fit, however Nathan's is a little big and AJ's is a little small-but they will work.
 Anderson as Robin- Batman's sidekick
 The black Batman!
 Super strong!
 I think this is a great Dark Knight (Christian Bale) face.
 The dynamic duo!

 In the Batmobile

 We had a Halloween party for some of our friends. The house was decorated for a Monster Mash!
We made spooky crafts.

Ate spooky food... and took fun pictures.

Jenna J.

Bryan J.

Thatcher B.

Elise W.
 Our Halloween festivities lasted over a week, but we had a lot of fun! We listened to Halloween songs in the car everyday for over a month- Nathan will sing Ghostbusters, Batman, Spiderman, Monster Mash and Godzilla all the time now. It is pretty cute!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Audrey gets the blogger of the week award!! Congratulations!
Love the pictures, especially Robin carrying his bottle! Looks like you had a lot of fun! G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Anderson looks almost as tall as Nathan. I'm excited to have a birthday party for Nathan.


Anonymous said...

What a great Batman and Robin. They both look like they enjoyed Halloween.
Wow for the candy from school.(No wonder we are a obese nation.)
Love ya