Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy fourth birthday Nathan!

Brand new
Three weeks
Six months
One year
Two years
Three years

Four years

1) How old are you?  4
2) Who is your best friend?  Elise (White)
3) What is your favorite thing to do?  Play Lego castle
4) What is your favorite color?  Green
5) What is your favorite thing to do with your family?  Play
6) What is your favorite toy?  Castles
7) What is your favorite food?  Bologna sandwich
8) What do you want to be when you grow up?  A train conductor
9) What makes you happy?  My momma when she comes back and I can hug her
10) What is your favorite show?  Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
11) What is your favorite song?  Scripture Power
12) What is your favorite game?  Gone fishing
13) What is your favorite animal?  Bears (like the bear I take a nap with)
14) What is your favorite drink? Moose Goose Juice (Cherry Limeade)
15) Who is your favorite superhero?  Batman
16) What is your favorite sport?  Baseball 
17) What is your favorite letter?  B
18) What is your favorite number?  4
19) What is your favorite thing about mommy?  Snuggling her
20) What is your favorite thing about daddy?  Playing with him

Happy birthday snuggle cub. You are such a joy to our family. You have learned and grown so much this last year.  You became a Sunbeam, and you started Preschool. You are becoming so independent, it makes us happy and sad (and frustrated too). I hope you always have the sweet spirit you have now. You are a good big brother to Anderson. He loves you so much and looks up to you.
We love you so much!


Anonymous said...

I'm so lucky to have spent all his birthdays with him! He is such a fun kid to be around.

Aunt Llew

Anonymous said...

Nate my favorite number is 4 also.
Don't blink Audrey and David, before you know it he will be 18.
Enjoy him, love and snuggle as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

What a fun time we had with all of you and Aunt Llew! I'm so glad we are all family! G & G in Idaho