Friday, November 25, 2011

Nathan is 3!

Nathan is now 3!
For his birthday he wanted to go bowling and have a Transformers birthday party. We had a lot of fun bowling with everyone, before going back to our house for pizza and an ice cream cake, oh, and presents.

Nathan's cake.

Blowing out the candles.
The monkey mirror cousin Jake made for him.

Nathan had a great day. He had been looking forward to it for quite a while. We had to make a countdown chain, so he could keep track of the days.
A few of Nathans favorite things:
color- green
letter- N
place to go- train museum
super hero- Batman
toy- space ship (birthday present from Aunt Kristen)
stuffed animal- bear
song- Old McDonald
church song- Nephi's Courage
sport- baseball
T.V. show- Little Einsteins
best friend- Kendalynn Buttle

Happy birthday Nathan! Mommy and Daddy love you so much. Having you in our family the last three years has been a lot of fun. You have such a sweet spirit. You are very friendly and will play with anybody. You are quick to forgive, but not always quick to apologize- although you are getting better. You are very independent. You love your family, especially your little brother Anderson. You are so sweet to him. You like to help mommy, and play with daddy.
You make us super happy Nathan, we love you so much!

At Nathans doctor appointment he weighed 28.4 Lbs (15%) and is 36 inches tall (47%).


Nichols Family said...

Alright, no peanut gallery comments allowed... ;) If it is indeed from me then I blame 100% my older siblings and their crazy influence on me. Knowing my brother and parents you know that's true! haha. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Dan and Sherri Overton said...

Nice leg whip, glad to see you still have form :) And I hope there were no mallet incidents on this bowling trip. Happy Birthday Nate!!!!