Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another snow day

On Monday, our new Governor was inaugurated. His first official order of business was to declare all government offices closed on Tuesday, so David had another day off. Since the roads were still icy we didn't go anywhere. We watched movies, played trains, went for a walk, shoveled and of course we played in the snow. We built a "daddy snowman" and a "baby snowman". We attempted to sled down our neighbors driveway on storage bin lids.
I am not sure why Nathan is crying here. He had a lot of fun outside.
Clapping for the sledding.
Nathan was the first to go down (not the best idea, but it turned out ok). He had a lot of fun sledding, but he only went once. He said weehaw! while he was going, it was funny.

Aunt Caitlin was second. It didn't work for adults as well as it did for Nathan, but we made it work.

After sledding, we had a little snowball fight and then built the snowmen. It was a really fun snow day, but hopefully we will be able to get out of the house today. We haven't left since we got home from church on Sunday.