Thursday, May 21, 2015

End of the (kindergarten) school year.

 There was a lot of hustle and bustle leading up to the last day of school. It started off with field day. I was able to volunteer to go and help. I didn't get to see much of Nathan though, I was at the cloths pin drop station. I did sneak outside to see him having a blast out there for a bit.

 I let Nate wear my fitbit for field day! Wow!

 For Nathan's class field trip we went to Swift Cantrell park. We had a lot of fun playing games, having a scavenger hunt and walking to the playground.
 How cute is this?! Nathan with his friends Isabelle and Cate.

 End of year awards party
 Last day of school (the teachers were doing a Lion King skit)
 We sure loved Mrs. Weaver, Ms. Daily and Kennesaw Elementary.

Nathan came home on pink on the last day of school (so he could earn money from grandma Anderson). We figure that we logged over 250 miles walking to/from school this year. We are excited for Summer vacation to begin!


Anonymous said...

Hurray for Nathan! We are so proud of him! Look out first grade! Here comes a fireball! Love G & G in Idaho