Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snowpocolypse 2.0

 After 2 snow days with no snow, we finally had a snow day with SNOW! It started falling slowly but then picked up pace and the snowflakes were snow clusters. They were like cotton balls falling from the sky. At first the kids weren't interested in it, because there wasn't much to play with and it was just cold. Once there was a good bit of accumulation on the ground they started to get excited! We bundled up and headed outside. The snow was still falling big and fast. The kids kept getting hit in the face with big snowflakes and complaining. After playing in our yard Nathan and I walked over to his friend Aniah's house in our neighborhood and built a snowman with her family. On our way back home we rolled a snowball, by the time we got back home, it was gigantic! 
Today we are on our fourth snow day this week, there is still some snow on the ground- not a whole lot though.