Tuesday, November 25, 2014

We have a six year old!

 Happy birthday Nathan! 
On Friday, I surprised Nathan at school for lunch (second time in a week) since his birthday fell during Thanksgiving break.
 For Nathans birthday David and I surprised him with a trip to the LEGO Discovery Center in Atlanta. It was so much fun for the whole family!

105 LEGO bricks tall

100 LEGO bricks tall

 We had lots of fun riding the LEGO castle ride. Each of us had our own gun to shoot the trolls, skeletons and spiders.

 We did some Ninja training,
 saw a wizard,
 built and raced cars,
 met new friends,
 And had an all around good time!
Daddy & AJ riding Merlin's flying cars

 We built a jail out of Duplo bricks
 AJ broke out of the jail

 And we all enjoyed the 4D movie. The kids thought the glasses were really cool.

After all the fun, we stopped in the LEGO store and let Nathan pick out a new set. He picked the police station that he had been wanting for quite some time.

       I can't believe you are six already. It seems like yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital. You have been and are such a joy and blessing in our lives. I love watching you grow. I am so glad to be your momma. I love you Nate bear.