Saturday, November 1, 2014


 We had a busy and fun Halloween this year. We went to the Fall Festival at Kennesaw Elementary. Nathan wanted to dress up as the green Ninja (Lloyd) from LEGO Ninjago. Anderson wanted to guessed it, Batman! And Tessa was the cutest black cat ever!

 There were lots of games to play at the Fall Festival, Nathan won a cake in the "cake walk".

 We also went to Owl-O-Ween at Kennesaw State University. It was pretty neat. The kids got to trick-or-treat at all the different vendors. At dust they inflated (?) the balloons and lit them up. The boys loved seeing them up close.


Our cute black cat

It rained a little on us when we were out trick or treating, but we had a lot of fun and came home with plenty of candy!