Friday, September 12, 2014


 AJ, Tessa and I went to help a friend and on our way back home I saw a turtle getting into the street. I didn't want the turtle to get hurt, so I pulled the van over. Anderson and I got out and ran back to the turtle, we scared it a little and it headed further into the street so I had to pick it up! AJ and I held hands as we ran back to the van, while I was yelling "don't touch me turtle". When we got to the corner, David was getting ready to turn into the neighborhood. I kept yelling to him, "I'm so brave. I'm so brave"! I had David drive home with the turtle (for safety reasons) and when we got home we put "Mr. T" into our pool on the deck. We decided we had to keep it until Nathan came home from school (but we ended up keeping it for 5 days). I recounted to Nathan the story of "the great turtle rescue", he loved it. He thought I was the best mom ever! It was definitely worth the anxiety of picking up Mr. T!

Mom of the year! He almost knocked me over with the hug!

When it was time to release Mr. T I had thought about taking him to the cemetery where Andrew is so he could have other turtle friends. As it turns out, Mr. T was a box turtle and they prefer to sit on the rocks, not swim. So instead, we released him down by the creek by our house. We hope Mr. T is happy with that decision.