Sunday, September 14, 2014

Anderson James turns 3!!

 Happy happy birthday AJ! 
Anderson requested a batman/bat cave birthday party, so we turned our house into a bat cave for him. His friend Jaxon and Blaze came to his party.

 Batman even came!

 Nathan was a good big brother and helped AJ open his presents.
 Giving Atkins a hug for his Batman toy.

 A new bat cave from Grandma

 A Batman Build-a-bear from aunt Kristin

 An awesome batman hat from Jaxon

 And Batman Duplo LEGO bat cave from mom and dad

 Mommy got choked out by Batman...
 But daddy took him down!
 His new Duplo's with his new Duplo table
 Nathan's new LEGO table

Happy happy birthday AJ!  We love you SO much! You are such a joy in our home! I love that you want to be Batman when you grow "bigger bigger bigger"! You are so sweet to your big brother and little sister, and they love you so much too.


Anonymous said...

How sweet! Can't wait to see him and give him a big hug and kiss! G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...

Looks like Baby A had an AMAZING birthday!!! Please give him a hug and kiss from me.

Love you
Aunt Heatherh