Monday, November 25, 2013

Nathan's birthday

Nathan's birthday lasted about two weeks this year, it just kept going and going. Nate loved every bit of it! David told Nathan months ago that when he turned five he could watch Star Wars. Nathan had been eagerly awaiting it. When the day finally arrived he was so excited. We waited until it was time for AJ to take his nap, then it was finally time! (This was mommy's first time watching it too). The first half of the movie Nathan talked and talked about everything that was happening. It was very cute, the second half of the movie was kind of boring I guess because Nathan brought some of his Legos down and played with them while the movie was on. After the movie, Nathan said he liked it but didn't want to watch it again right away.

For his birthday dinner we went to Steak and Shake. Nathan got a free milkshake, and that was all he wanted to eat. But he ate his "yummy birthday dinner" and loved it (because he got a side of bacon).
We had a really fun day with him.
Yearly questions with Nathan:
How old are you? 5
Who is your best friend? Keaton (from pre-k @ Primrose)
What is your favorite thing to do? Play outside
What is your favorite color? Green
What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Play Mario (on the WiiU)
What is your favorite toy? Legos
What is your favorite food? Bacon
What do you want to be when you grow up? Fireman
What makes you happy? Playing Lego with my family
What is your favorite show? Mario Brothers (on Netflix)
What is your favorite song? I like to be like Jesus (I'm trying to be like Jesus)
What is your favorite game? Mario (on WiiU)
What is your favorite animal? A deer
What is your favorite drink? Apple juice
Who is youf favorite superhero? Green Lantern
What is your favorite sport? Basketball (unless he plays at school, he has never played basketball before)
What is your favorite letter? Z for zebra
What is your favorite number? 90
What is your favorite thing about mommy? That you play Mario and Legos with me
What is your favorite thing about daddy? Playing Legos with my daddy

At Nathan's 5 year well check he weighed 34.2 Lbs and was 41 1/4 inches tall.

Nathan, you are such a joy to be around. You are growing up so big and so fast (please slow down). You have such a great imagination and I love to hear you talk and play. I love to see you being a good, sweet big brother to Anderson and sharing toys with him and giving Tessa sweet hugs and kisses. You are so smart and you love school. You have so many friends there and such great teachers. We love to see you learning and growing each day. Mommy and dad-o love you so much Nathan!


Anonymous said...

He is such a cute kid! I miss him and all of you.
