Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tessa is 4 months old

Here are the stats of Tessa's four month well check:

Height- 25 inches (48%)
Weight- 15.3 lbs (55%)
Head- 15 3/4 inches (16%)
(Note: Tessa was actually 4 1/2 months old at the appointment

Here is a comparison with her brothers at the same age:
Height- 26 inches (86%)
Weight- 16.3 lbs (67%)
Head- 16 inches (21%)

Height- 24 inches (18%)
Weight- 14.12 lbs (49%)
Head- 15 3/4 inches (16%)

She seems to be pretty average for our family! However, it seems like the time is going by much quicker with her, maybe because her brothers are keeping me so busy!


Anonymous said...

Look at that belly. So cute. Im so glad we have Little T in our family.
Aunt Heather

Anonymous said...

Adore able pictures. She just gets cuter and cuter.

Anonymous said...

So sweet! What a blessing she is to our family! Can't wait to see you soon! Love, G & G in Idaho

Celeste said...

Awwwwwww...she is adorable! I love that first pic.