Monday, October 28, 2013

Second annual Halloween party

Bryan "the Hulk" Jenkins
Nathan & Ryan Johnson

Grace "the Snake" Settle
Benson "Harry Potter" White
Playing Halloween Bingo
Jenna "the Ballerina" Jenkins
David "the Grump" Rygmyr
Anderson "Batman" playing ring toss (of course with his bottle in his mouth)
Elise "Batgirl" White

Madison "Snow White" Bellard
Thatcher "Iron Man" Bishop
Ryan "Batgirl" Johnson
Natalie "Izzy (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)" Williams

Natalie and Nathan
We held our second annual Halloween party on Monday for Nathan and his friends. We had a good turn out of kids, 9 plus Nathan and AJ. It was a busy hour and a half! A lot of the kids came in and went right to the basement to play and the others kept asking to play LEGO Batman. We were able to get them all together to play some games. We played pin the face on the ghost, glow ring toss and Halloween bingo, plus we made a craft. It was a lot of fun. Here are some of the pictures.


Anonymous said...

You are a good mommy and daddy to do that for the boys! Looks like a LOT of work for you two, but a lot of fun and good memories for the boys!
G & G in Idaho

Unknown said...

Wow Audrey, I didn't know you had annual Halloween parties. That is so awesome. I'm putting in a nomination somewhere- how in the world did you find the energy ttle ones, a toddler and an infant..