Thursday, October 31, 2013

Our Halloween happenings

Wonder Woman (4 months)

Batman (2 years)

Superman (almost 5) He added daddy's hat for the picture, he didn't wear it trick-or-treating

Getting ready to go trick-or-treating

Of course we had to be sad about something before we had fun

Heading out!
Trick-or-treating in our cul-de-sac was a bust. No one was home, or they didn't have candy
Yes, it was 70* when we went out!
Ewww, YUCK!
Captain Cool came to carve our pumpkin

My favorite quote from David, "it is hard to cut a circle with a knife".
Nathan REALLY wanted to help carve the face
This year Nate actually helped take the pumpkin guts out.
Our Batcave!
Getting ready for the Ward Trunk-or-treat
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We have had a very busy but fun Halloween season. Here are some pictures of our fun!
Our Trick-or-Treating started out as a bust, but we came home with full buckets of candy. When we knocked on the Acree's door (a couple from church) Nathan invited them to come knock on doors with us, so they tagged along with us. It was a lot of fun! Nathan kept saying Come on Sister Acree, it was so sweet. (They have grand kids, but none of them live close by so they really enjoyed spending time with our little ones). Nathan kept inviting them to stay with us, until Monday because then he has to go to school.
Nathan also was very sweet to the people we saw, he would give them some candy out of his bucket after they would give him some candy. One family didn't have any candy to hand out, and the mom was apologetic but Nate gave them some candy so they would have some. Our sweet neighbors Kaylee and Scott always have cute little gifts for the boys. This year they gave them superhero cups with candy and glow sticks. (Kaylee had on a super cute shirt with a skeleton and a baby skeleton on it to announce they are expecting!)
We had a lot of fun and came home with some very happy but sleepy kiddos!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Fun, fun, fun! I'm glad it was warm there, because it was cold and breezy here! Thanks for sharing your Halloween with us through pictures!
G & G in Idaho

Unknown said...

I'm going to try again as my comments for some reason never post. It is so wonderful to be able to see whst is going on with your family on this blog. You'll never know how happy it makes me. Audrey you are a great mom, and I love you!

Unknown said...
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