Monday, February 11, 2013

The last Twinkie!

Last year when in t-ball, when it was Nathan's turn to bring the snack he decided he wanted to take Twinkies. Some of those kids had never had a Twinkie before, sadly, they never will again. We had some left over and occasionally Nathan would eat one. Well today, he ate the last one. Since Hostess went out of business, we will not be able to share any of their delicious treats with any of our other kids, Nathan will always be able to hold that over their heads.


Fields Family said...

No! Not the last Twinkie....Now how are we going to survive the zombies? We knew that if there was no other food to be found, we at least had Twinkies.

Anonymous said...

did he ever try frozen twinkies with 7up??
So sad AJ wont get to try them either.
Love ya
Aunt Heather