Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nathan's first Primary talk

Nathan was asked to give the talk in Primary today. His topic was "Nephi was blessed for choosing the right".
Here is a copy of his first talk.
     There are many things that Heavenly Father wants s to do: grow up, go to school, go on missions, get married and have our own families. In order for us to receive all the blessings He wants to give us though, He has told us that we need to obey His rules and be courageous in following His commands.
     Nephi was a great example of how to be obedient and courageous. After walking many miles through the wilderness, Heavenly Father told Lehi, Nephi's daddy, that they needed to go back and get the plates Laban was keeping. Laman and Lemuel did not want to make the long walk again. Nephi trusted in the Lord enough to be obedient to his commands, and to stand up courageously to his brothers. He had to stand up to them again when Laban's servants tried to kill them outside of Jerusalem. Throughout Nephi's life, he was courageous and obedient o the Lords commands, even when those around him made fun of him and tried to hurt him.
     I hope we can all be like Nephi and choose to follow Heavenly Father and do what is right. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Daddy wasn't able to be there to hear it (so he wrote the talk instead), but Nathan did a great job. He said it all and mostly talked into the mic. For a three year old, he did such a great job. I am so proud of him! Good job Nate, we love you.