Friday, October 28, 2011

trunk or treat

Our ward trunk or treat was tonight. It started raining just as it was time to start the chili dinner, so we moved in to the gym. When it was time to go car to car, they decided to move it outside since it had stopped raining. One of our friends held Anderson and handed out our candy so I could take Nate around. He had a lot of fun saying "trick or treat" to every car. He had to keep checking his pumpkin to make sure they were putting candy in it. It started raining again, just as we were finishing up. Batman had a lot of fun!
Nathan decided what we were all going to be this year. He had it all planned out. He said, "I am going to be Batman because I'm the strongest. Daddy is going to be a witch and mommy gets to be the princess. I am going to put the witch in jail and rescue the princess". I asked him what AJ was going to be and he told me that "AJ gets to be a witch too". Since he had obviously thought about it, I decided that we would dress up like he wanted us too. Nate has a really good imagination, it is really cute some of the things he comes up with.
Anderson-the witch

Batman- the strongest

Nate was so cute when I put on the princess crown. He held my face between his two hands and told me that I looked "so beautiful".After the trunk or treat, Nathan was excited to eat his candy, and AJ wanted to eat too. All in all it was a pretty fun night. I just wish that daddy could have been here to enjoy it with us (only 8 more days)!
Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Nate makes that Batman look very strong. What a beautiful Princess. Anderson didnt look too happy at being a witch.
Love to all
Aunt Heather

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Love the pictures: strong Batman, beautiful princess and charming (drunk? toungue hanging out) witch!

I think you mean that a friend held Anderson and handed out treats, don't you?

So glad David will be home soon! And we can't wait to get out there!

Love all of you so much,
G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...
