Friday, October 28, 2011

Swagger wagon

Since my family is coming out in November (for AJ's blessing) we decided we had to buy a new car. Not because our other car is to small and won't fit everybody and we would have to take both of our vehicles everywhere we went, but because my family is so snooty that they can't be seen in the same car twice (because of that, I fully expect them to help with the payments).
We bought a minivan! I have to say, it is pretty awesome. I like it a whole lot, and that makes me a nerd, I know. But as far as minivans go, this one is really sweet. It has everything we wanted in a new car, and stuff we didn't know we wanted but are glad we have now (seat warmers & lazy susan for movies and toys, back-up camera, oh and heated mirrors). I drove down to Florida in it last week, to show David and it was great! Nathan watched movies and Anderson slept.

So, make fun of me all you want to, but until you've had a ride in my swagger wagon you won't understand (unless you already drive a van- in that case, you know what I'm talkin about!). (This one is a Toyota,mine is a Honda, but you get the idea).


Nichols Family said...

OH, YEAH!!! Mini vans are the way to go! Nice choice. You even got all the fixins.