Tuesday, October 21, 2008

34 weeks

Yesterday, was our 34 week mark and the doctor said everything is looking good. We scheduled the appointment for them to take out the stitches, it is on Nov. 5th. We are so excited knowing that we could have little Nathan here sooner than later.

One more thing, it has nothing to do with this but I also didn't think it deserved it's own post. I am so happy about the price of gas right now! After having our gas shortage I thought for sure that gas stations would raise the prices once they finally had fuel to make up for the money they lost. But with the price of a barrel being so low we paid $2.62 for gas yesterday! How awesome is that!

Oh yeah, we also voted yesterday, and since I am pregnant we got to bypass the 2 1/2 hour long line and go straight in and cast our ballots! Don't forget to vote- it's your voice!


Jenkins' Family said...

That is very exciting about your appt. I went to the Dr. today and scheduled an appt on Nov. 21 to have an ultrasound so we can see what the gender is. YAY!

Also, I agree about the gas prices! It is very very nice. They are in the high 2.30s - low 2.40s now. Isn't it great!!!