Sunday, August 2, 2020

Quarantining in paradise!

For David's interview rotation at Tripler, he had to quarantine for two weeks. He did not want to do it alone, like he did in Jacksonville, so the kids and I went to keep him company (sigh). We had a pretty big room, we made a schedule and had a lot of fun!   David flew out of a different airport than the kids and I , but we met up with him in Dallas and flew the rest of the trip together. The first few days we adjusted to the new time zone, then we decided we needed to make a schedule to keep us on track. We were lucky to get a bottom floor room with a huge lanai that opened to the back field so the kids could run around outside when no one else was out there. We played games, did school work, watched helicopters land, watched movies, had PE and filled the rest of the time with whatever we could. It was a fun two weeks.  While we were quarantined, a hurricane was headed for Hawaii, so that provided us with some excitement. The hurricane changed it's course after it hit Maui, wo all we got was rain and some wind.