Saturday, September 14, 2019

Happy Birthday Anderson James!

 AJ is 8!  Anderson has been looking forward to this birthday for quite some time. He has been so excited for his baptism. And what a wonderful day it was! AJ was baptized by his dad on Sept 14th 2019 in Kensington Maryland. Aunt Llew flew in to be there for his baptism, and she gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. Our friend, Kelly Fisher gave the opening prayer and Paul Andreason filled in for grandpa Anderson (Grandpa and Grandma Anderson are serving a mission in Minneapolis Minnesota and unable to make it) by giving the talk on baptism. Brad Jensen and Daniel Fisher served as the witnesses. It was such a special day for Anderson and our family. We are so proud of the decision AJ made to be baptized and follow the path of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

AJ, you are the sweetest, kindest, happiest, cuddliest 8 year old! You are a peacemaker in our home. You are sensitive to the needs of those around you and I hope you develop the ability to become sensitive to the Holy Ghost and to listen to our Heavenly Father. We love you! May your smile continue to light up our lives for many years to come!