Saturday, October 29, 2016


This year we decided to have a family camp out (minus Tessa) at Spooky-ree. This was the boys first time camping, they had a blast! We got there after dark which made it slightly difficult to set up or new tent since our camping lanterns didn't end up working unless they were plugged into an outlet. David and I borrowed a lantern to get the tent up from another family in Nathan's pack while the boys ran and played flashlight games. Around 9:45 we made the kids go to bed. They both started out in their own sleeping bags before getting into our sleeping bags during the night.
In the morning were woke up and made French toast on our camp stove before going to flag ceremony.  We had a full day of fun doing the many different activities that were planned, bb guns, car racing, pumpkin decorating, writing cards to the troops, archery, human foos ball, water bottle rockets and bounce houses. It was a full day of fun spent with Nathan's wolf den. They included AJ in all of the activities and we all had a really great time.