Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas!

We had a very great Christmas (or 5!) this year. Our festivities started when we were in Idaho at grandpa and grandma Anderson's house with aunt Heather. Tessa got a Fisher Price puppy, AJ got a Imaginext airport, Nathan got Angry Bird (Kinex) Legos and they all got Despicable Me 2.
When we got home, it was very hard for Nathan to wait (the 5 days) until Christmas. But he did it, and it was worth the wait! We got back from our trip on Saturday and on Sunday night David and I wrapped presents and put them under the tree. On Monday morning the boys were convinced it was Christmas. Nathan took to shaking all the boxes to find his Lego City Forest Police. He shook the box and immediately knew what it was, he was so excited! The wait practically killed him! 
A few times we had to tape a few boxes back up because AJ kept trying to sneak some peaks.
(P.s. David wins husband of the year award, he got the wellie rain boots I had been wanting! Thank you love!)
After presents were torn into and breakfast was eaten, we drove over to grandma Rygmyr's house for our third Christmas. We had a great time over there. Ma and Pa Roberts were there along with aunt Caitlin, Aunt Kristen & Atkins. The boys got new bed sheets, Nathan's are Angry Bird and AJ's are Justice League-they love sleeping in them. Gran Rygmyr gave them matching blankets to go with them.
On the 26th we got aunt Llew's Christmas package in the mail. AJ was ridiculously excited about his Spider-Man Mr. Potato Head. Nathan was so excited to get more Legos and mommy was excited for Tessa to get the blanket that aunt Llew had made for her.
On the 27th we drove down to Newnan, Georgia and met aunt Bonnie, Jake and Zoey for lunch and our 5th Christmas at Chick-fil-a. Aunt Bonnie gave Nathan a WiiU controller that was just his size. He was so disappointed about it (he thought he was going to get more Legos) aunt Bonnie told him he could return it for something he wanted. By the time we got home, he forgot all about getting Legos, he was so excited to have his very own controller. He loves it, and now he is pretty good at playing Mario with it. AJ got a Justice League plane that will fit all seven Justice Leaguers. We have most of them, but he likes to fill it with multiple Batman's and Superman's or some of Nathan's Lego Mini Figs.
It was the Christmas that kept on giving. And we are so grateful for such wonderful family that made it all possible. We are so blessed that we were able to see almost everyone (sorry aunt Llew, Braedon, uncle Russ and Kyler). 
In all of the magic and excitement, I hope that we were able to teach our children the true meaning of Christmas. I had talked to Nathan and told him that we should do something special for the missionaries in our ward since they don't get to be with their families at Christmas time. Nathan decided he wanted to get them gifts. We went to Target and Nate picked out two Lego Mini Figs for the Elders and two Lego Friends sets for the Sisters. We took them home and he wrapped them all by himself and then he wrote their names on them. He and AJ made stamped pictures of Minions to give to them as well. The missionaries were so grateful to get Nathan's gifts. I hope that Nathan will be able to remember this experience, and how good he felt when he was doing something nice and thinking of others at Christmas time.