Monday, April 15, 2013


Today, Anderson tried to pull a 25# dumbbell off the coffee table, and it fell onto his foot. The little man cried for a while but then got up and ran off to play. After his nap, it was a bit more swollen and he was limping on it a little. We decided to err on the side of caution and take him to the Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (same one Nathan went to when he got his stitches) for an x-ray. Luckily, his foot was not broken! It is bruised and swollen though. The doctor gave him a little boot to wear, but AJ won't wear it.
Here are the pictures of his x-ray, and some after the doctor pictures of him resting (for the few minutes he he actually sat still).


Anonymous said...

Sad sad sad.....on another note, I just realized that his outlet isn't IN anything other tan in his hand.


Fields Family said...

Ooohhh! Little AJ, good thing he is tough.I'm glad nothing was broken (because it would be harder for you to keep him off his foot than it would be for him.)