Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

 Yesterday we celebrated daddy's birthday. Happy birthday daddy, we love you so much!
It was such a beautiful day, the weather was in the 60's. We headed out to the Shriners Christmas tree farm to get our tree. The boys both wore their "my dad is awesome" shirt.
 The Shriners gave the boys candy canes and AJ thought that was the best thing ever.
 Nathan thought the Shriner camel was so soft and snuggly.
 Smelling the Christmas tree to make sure it was the right one.
This is the one!

 After we picked out our tree, the boys decided to play in the dirt.

When we got home and started setting up the tree, Nathan dressed up as Batman, so he could be "on the case" for anything we needed. 
As a side note, we decided that it would be a good idea to replace all of our old ornaments that are glass with new ornaments that are unbreakable. Nathan and I headed off to the store to find some. Nathan was still dressed in his Batman costume. It was really cute.


Anonymous said...

How we love blogs! Looks like a fun day! G & G in Idaho

Anonymous said...

Did Batman find any plastic ornaments? Did AJ have fun?
Love to all
H & B

Anonymous said...

Cute! Love the costume. I can't wait to read about him wearing it to school someday.

Aunt Llew