Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What time is it?

It's daddy time!

 Nathan and Anderson just LOVE it when daddy comes home! AJ gets a huge smile on his face and Nathan loves to open the door for him, then he runs to tell me that "daddy is home". It is really cute. 
One thing Nathan loves to do is ride on daddy's back when daddy is doing push-ups. David loves the extra 30#'s. This time we decided to let Anderson have a ride to adding an extra 20#'s. AJ was confused, but held on like a champ.
 Another thing Nathan loves to do with his daddy is play games with him. Nathan likes to play the "robot" game (Portal 2). David likes it, because he gets to play games. 
The black controller is actually mine, but Nathan told me "This is a boy game. It's not for girls" so I had to give up my controller so all the boys could have one.

 They are all very focused on the game, and they should be, they are boys after all.


Anonymous said...

What a great daddy! We love you all so much! Is AJ walking now?
G & G in Idaho

Nichols Family said...

Your failure at the robot test just confirms exactly what I've known all along. You are a robot. ;) I think I just took that feature off. I didn't even remember we had it on. I've seen it on other people's blogs and hated it. IT IS HARD! All that time and I didn't even know I had it too. ;)