Tuesday, January 24, 2012

part 1 of 12

I saw this on a blog (I don't know who's blog it was, I just found it and can't find it again to put a link in, sorry), so I decided we would do it. The wife gave this as a gift to her husband for Christmas. A gift of dates, 12 of them. There is an envelope for each month with a predetermined, prepaid date in it (gift cards or money etc.). We did it a little different, and collaborated together to come up with the date ideas.
For our first date, we were supposed to go ice skating at Centennial Olympic park and then to dinner at the Vortex. The weather made us change our plans slightly. Instead of ice skating, we went indoor mini golfing at Monster Mini Golf. It was fun (more for me than for David).
After golfing we did a favor for a friend, and took pictures of a surprise scavenger hunt at the mall for her sister-in-law, then we went downtown for dinner. We ate at the Vortex in Midtown. It was delicious. I got the Cardiac Arrest, aptly named.
It was a great night. Thank you grandma & grandpa Rygmyr for watching the boys. I can't wait until our date next month.


Fields Family said...


Anonymous said...

That is a great idea! It looks like you had fun!
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

This is so fun!!! Kristen