Sunday, August 14, 2011

Super Nathan!

Nathan is all about daddy being a soldier right now. When Nathan wakes up in the morning and comes down to my room he asks "where's daddy"? I tell him he is at work, then Nathan says "daddy a soldier" sometimes in a questioning manner and sometimes as a statement. When daddy come home from work in his uniform Nathan gives him a hug and says "daddy, you a soldier" more like he is telling David as if David didn't know. It is really cute. He was very excited the other day to wear daddy's soldier hat.

I don't know how to turn the video, sorry. The other day Nathan wanted to wear his Superman shirt (even though it is long sleeved and 96* outside) He wore it every where we went that day. Here is a video of him singing into his mic (a garden hose nozzle) "I've been working on the Railroad".


Anonymous said...

"i've been working on the railroad?" hmmmmm, i wasn't getting that. still cute.


Anonymous said...

Super cute that he likes his daddy being a soldier. What a hero to have.
Love ya.