Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Disney World days 3 & 4

On Sunday we went to watch the Braves play the Astros at the ESPN center. We sat on the grass along the third base line.
It was a really great view!
Nathan playing with his new friends, some kids from a little league team that were watching the game too. They were really nice to him and played with him, even though he was a lot younger.
After the game all the kids could run the bases. Nathan loved it!
He took his baseball with him and as soon as he could, he threw it onto the field. He did this a few times before the lady realized that to get him to run, she had to bribe him with his baseball.
Just checking out a Major League field.
Running for his ball.
Home plate!
The guy at home plate told him to jump on the base, when he did, his shorts fell down to his ankles. The guy came up to us after he finished running and gave Nathan a Mickey Mouse button. He said Nathan made him "laugh his pants off".

Nathan with his button.
In front of the 2010 All-Star game statue
After the game we went to Magic Kingdom again. By the end of the day Nathan was so tired he fell asleep in his stroller.
Monday before heading home we went to Animal Kingdom. Nathan got to meet Winnie the Pooh, Eyore, and he got to bounce with Tigger.

In front of the huge dinosaur bones at Animal Kingdom.
Playing on one of the playgrounds. Nathan just loved this one slide. he would slide down and run right back up to do it again, over and over!

Asking Jimminy Cricket "Where Mickey Mouse"?


Fields Family said...

Love it! Looks like you had a great time. Nate is all boy.

Anonymous said...

It looks like lots of memories were made. Glad you ALL had fun.
Love you all

Heather and Braedon