Monday, November 29, 2010

Nathan's birthday (and Thanksgiving)

Happy Thanksgiving! We had a great day. All of my family came to visit, and all of David's family was in town. We had Thanksgiving dinner at grandpa and grandma Rygmyr's house, there were 19 of us. There was lots of food and fun.
We played "red light, green light" while we waited for the turkey to fry (it was really yummy, and so was the ham that David smoked).

The weather was so nice that some of us ate outside, it was in the 70's!

After dinner, we had Nathan's birthday party. Nathan got lots of gifts from all his family. He got a baseball tee, a new bat and ball, a sleeping bag, some puzzles, some blocks, a new shirt, some movies, and a super cool train table.

Nathan did not want to stop playing with the train table. In fact he cried when I took him inside to have birthday cake. He stopped crying long enough to blow out the candles and then he headed right back outside without having any of his cake.

Happy birthday Nathan. Mom and dad love you so much. It is hard for me to believe that you have been a part of our family for two years now, it doesn't see like that long ago you were a little baby.

Some of the things Nathan likes are: books, trains, dinosaurs, balloons, playing outside and his shows (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins and Backyardigans).
He has so much to say, he is a little parrot- he will repeat anything and everything.
He knows his colors, some shapes, and can count to 13 (except he always skips 4). He is a really easy little guy, full of energy and love.
At Nathans 2 year appointment he weighed in at 24lbs (8%), he is 34 1/4 inches (56%) tall and his head is 18 1/4 in circumference (5%).


Anonymous said...

I must say I did a good job with your camera. Glad I was able to get some pictures of you also. It was nice to be part of this day for Nate.
Aunt Heather and Braedon
(just look at Braedon and you will see lots of Nate)

Clinton said...

Looks like you had a blast. I am here in town for training we should get together!