Thursday, October 14, 2010


We went down to see David's grandparents the last weekend in September. We had a lot of fun, and Nathan got to see his great grandpa that he hasn't seen since he was 6 months old. We went to lunch at Gene and Helen's country club.

Nathan enjoyed playing by the pool and playing on the practice green.
Nathan after a lot of running and playing outside.

We went to a Tampa Bay Ray's game. Nathan got the all-star treatment, they gave him a "first Ray's game" button, and a super hero cape. Grandpa bought Nathan ice cream in a helmet cup.
The Ray's play in a dome, so it was nice and air conditioned, and we didn't get wet when it rained.

Grandpa Gene & Gran Helen

4 generations of Rygmyr's


Anonymous said...

The four generations all have the same face. All very handsome..Glad you had lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

Nate looks so big! Sounds like you had fun. Did you guys get to golf at all?