Friday, June 18, 2010

The great re-siding!

Here is a picture of our hose before we started the re-siding ( I couldn't find a better one). This picture works great though because it shows the contemplation that went on before we started the project. On Monday morning, David and my dad kept trying to figure out their battle plan. After a few hours of deliberating, they decided that our best bet would be, to hire someone else to do the work! And that is what we did.
This is the house after they took all the old siding (LP-Louisiana Pacific) off. It was so strange to see it all bare.
The house with house wrap on it, since there were some holes after they took off the old siding.
They started the work on Tuesday morning, and on Thursday by 2 they were all done. We still have to paint the house, right now it is only primed. We are trying to decide what color to paint it, we have a fresh canvas.
It looks so different! I am not used to seeing my blue house not blue anymore! We sure are glad it is done. Good job David and Dad on all your hard work!


Anonymous said...

Dad and David did a great job. Im glad that they can delegate so well. When will the painting take place? Enjoy your new home.
Love HA & BB

Anonymous said...

I still think that you should consider a light charcoal gray with white trim and black shutters. It will look regal....yep, I said regal.