Monday, September 14, 2009

He found them...

Up until now Nathan didn't even care about the stairs. He has rarely ventured over to them, and when has he just turns around and crawls back to the living room. Well not tonight! Today when we got back from shopping I put his bag of clothes on the stairs. A little bit later, Nathan was chasing Boris around and that brought him to- the stairs. I heard him playing with the bag of clothes and I figured that Boris knocked it down when he was running away from Nate. NOPE! Nathan climbed the stairs. He was up on the third stair, just pulling clothes out of the bag. He was pretty proud of himself. When I caught him he turned to me and smiled really big. I guess we have to get a gate for our stairs now.


Anonymous said...

oh geez. maybe he was just tired and was trying to get some pj's out of the bag so he could go up to his bed? He needs a big kid bed so he can put himself away for the night, he can't climb into his crib....yet.

Aunt L

Anonymous said...

Did he climb back down? Maybe he was really excited over his new clothes...Like we used to be for the first day of school..He can do almost everything on his own.. Soon he will want to help cook. Take all pans out, and drum..
Aunt Heather

Jessie said...
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Jessie said...

Ugh...I just realized I had a typo and wanted to change it - I didn't mean to delete my other comment. Nate is so cute! I love love love his fat little legs! I am dreading the day that Thatcher discovers the stairs....